Discovery Channel "US Marshals: Operation Falcon"
Each year the US Marshals deputize thousands of local law enforcement agents and engage in a country-wide round up of wanted felons. Known by it’s code name, Operation Falcon, it is an intense effort where the best of the best strive to apprehend the worst of the worst. Garbanzo was tasked to create the open, "portraits", and "perp sheets". "U.S. Marshals: Operation Falcon" premiered on October 19th on the Discovery Channel.
Each year the US Marshals deputize thousands of local law enforcement agents and engage in a country-wide round up of wanted felons. Known by it’s code name, Operation Falcon, it is an intense effort where the best of the best strive to apprehend the worst of the worst.

Garbanzo was tasked to create the open, "portraits", and "perp sheets".

"U.S. Marshals: Operation Falcon" premiered on October 19 th on the Discovery Channel.

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